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ICAF Olympia is a non-profit educational organization committed to the cultivation, preservation, and growth of the African Brazilian cultural art form Capoeira Angola. Our goal is the creation of a strong and vibrant community committed to social transformation through empowering individuals to overcome both self and societally imposed limitations.

Mestre Jurandir first started teaching Capoeira Angola workshops at Evergreen in 1998. Since that time, there has been a regular presence of Capoeira Angola in the community, and generations of capoeiristas have learned and grown through the Olympia group. Since 2002, The Evergreen Capoeira Angola Club has been organizing classes and events at the Evergreen state College and around Olympia, with the support of Mestre Jurandir. The student group has been known over the years for having organized numerous amazing Capoeira Angola Conferences and their regular Arts Walk Street Rodas. Ongoing classes at the Evergreen State College are lead by  Mestre Silvinho and Treinel Caxambu.